USA medical Myo & D-Chiro Inositol  (60 Kapszula)
USA medical Myo & D-Chiro Inositol  (60 Kapszula)

USA medical Myo & D-Chiro Inositol (60 Kapszula)

Pozitív hatással van a női hormonális egyensúlyra, az anyagcsere-folyamatok optimalizálására, valamint a mentális-érzelmi egyensúly fenntartására is.
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Inositol, often mistakenly referred to as vitamin B8, is actually a special type of sugar. It has a number of functions, the most important of which are to improve insulin sensitivity and to help maintain mental health and prevent and manage metabolic diseases, including insulin resistance and diabetes. It occurs naturally mainly in certain fruits, chicken, fish, beans, cereals and stone fruits.

As inositol is a major constituent of cell membranes and is indirectly involved in membrane synthesis, regulation of cell growth and maintenance of intracellular osmotic pressure, it is a compound of major importance for the healthy functioning of the body. Especially in light of the fact that inositol and d-chiro-inositol also affect the function of chemical messengers that influence brain function, such as serotonin and dopamine.

Caronositol® is a proprietary combination of myo-inositol and d-chiro-inositol (40:1) and has been clinically proven to improve pregnancy rates and reduce the risk of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS). It also improves egg quality and regulates menstrual cycles in women with PCOS.

Inositol and d-chiro-inositol for mental health

From a scientific point of view, happiness and well-being are in fact only proven by the harmonious interaction of biochemical processes in optimal functioning. Although this perspective is far from being as romantic as the stories of love and fulfilment, it is fact-based.

In other words, if you often feel down, discouraged, resigned to the fact that you'll never find the right one, or if you're experiencing severe anxiety-depression symptoms, try USA medical MYO D-CHIRO INOSITOL natural inositol complex, as inositol helps to coordinate various brain biochemical processes and affects the production of a number of compounds and hormones that contribute to the development and maintenance of a state of well-being and happiness.

This is evidenced by the fact that people with anxiety, panic disorder or depression typically have measurably lower levels of both miotinositol and inositol in their brains. Meanwhile, inositol supplementation is not usually associated with adverse side effects, as it is produced by the body during normal functioning.

Let's see what effects inositol and d-chiro-inositol have on mental health!

In a double-blind, placebo-controlled, 4-week, randomised, cross-over study, a group of patients with panic disorder, with or without agoraphobia, participated. Subjects received 12 g of inositol daily for 28 days, with a significant reduction in the frequency and severity of panic attacks and agoraphobia severity.

Another study in children with bipolar spectrum disorder showed that when subjects were given a combination of 3 g omega-3 fatty acids and up to 2 g inositol per day for 12 weeks, there was a clear reduction in manic and depressive symptoms.

It had previously become clear to the researchers that a relatively common side effect of lithium used as part of a medical protocol to treat bipolar disorder is the development of psoriasis. As this condition is characteristically associated with the development of red plaques covered with silvery scales in the hairline, causing a burning and shivering sensation, it is a spectacular, painful and often isolating factor in the lives of patients. However, it has been found that consuming 3-6 g of inositol per day can help reduce symptoms, thus significantly improving the quality of life of bipolar subjects.

The role of inositol in the treatment of polycystic ovary syndrome, or PCOS

Polycystic ovary syndrome, or PCOS, is one of the biggest enemies of the modern woman, as its symptoms vary widely and diagnosis is not easy. The disease is actually a combination of metabolic disturbances in the sugar metabolism and endocrinological difficulties, which can lead to a loss of oocyte maturation and thus infertility.

What might be suspicious?

  • Irregular or irregular menstruation, menstrual cycle longer than 35 days
  • Extreme overweight or inability to gain weight
  • Severe skin problems (acne, acne, oily or extremely dry skin, frequent hair growths, inflammation of the hair follicles, acanthosis nigricans)
  • Excessive hair growth, especially on the limbs and face
  • Abdominal overweight, apple shape
  • Binge eating, inability to sleep
  • High blood sugar and blood insulin levels
  • If a woman who wants to have a baby fails to conceive within a year even after regular intercourse (especially if the partner is known to have no medical problems)

PCOS and insulin resistance typically go hand in hand and it is often not known which disease was present earlier in the individual's life. The situation can be particularly serious if the individual has had symptoms of PCOS since adolescence and the misinterpreted overall picture has been countered by the prescribing doctor's recommendation of hormonal contraception. In such cases, the hormonal contraceptive may mask the underlying condition for years or even decades, and the person's condition worsens year after year - without their knowledge.

However, insulin-sensitising inositol and d-chiro-inositol can also reduce the symptoms of PCOS and insulin resistance, as well as prediabetes and diabetes, especially when used in combination with folic acid.

In one study, subjects were given 400 mcg of folic acid and an additional 4 g of inositol per day for three months, which induced ovulation in 62% of participants.

Inositol also helps not only to promote pregnancy, but also to prevent gestational diabetes when taken with a high dose of folic acid, at least 4g per day, throughout pregnancy.

The same applies when myo-inositol is used to improve sleep quality in pregnant women. Indeed, a study has confirmed that myo-inositol supplementation can improve global sleep quality, subjective sleep quality and sleep duration during pregnancy.

Few people know, for example, that women who suffer from gestational diabetes or GDM during pregnancy are still insulin resistant or pre-diabetic after the baby is born, conditions that are precursors to type 2 diabetes. In such cases, endocrinological monitoring and lifestyle modification are also necessary, and the use of d-chiro-inositol in combination with folic acid is also beneficial, as studies have shown that consistent use over six months results in a reduction in blood glucose and blood insulin levels.

Myo-inositol and psychiatric disorders

Inositol is an effective aid in maintaining the fragile balance of the psyche. Did you know, for example, that a study has shown that patients with OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) have a significant reduction in symptoms when given 18g of inositol a day for six weeks?

And that inositol monotherapy tends to counteract depressive symptoms in the treatment of premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) in the second half of the cycle? But it does!

There have also been several studies to explore the potential uses of inositol. For example, when used in a course of treatment for PTSD patients, inositol-containing preparations have been shown to support health without adverse side effects.

The therapeutic role of inositol has also been investigated in bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder. In the crossover study by Gelber et al, 12 patients received 18 g of inositol daily for 12 weeks. A review of the results showed that the patients showed improvements on the CGI scales, the Visual Analogue Scale and the Eating Disorders Inventory.

Inositol is a promising option for the treatment of a number of medical conditions

Inositol in various doses has beneficial effects on a number of physiological processes, which calls for further, more extensive studies.

In any case, it is certain that inositol can improve the quality of life for people with metabolic syndrome. For example, a study involving 80 women with metabolic syndrome over a one-year period found that subjects who received 2 g of inositol twice daily had a measurable improvement in their well-being. On average, inositol reduced blood triglyceride levels by 34% and total cholesterol levels by 22%. In fact, 20 percent of the subjects had improved so much by the end of the study that, fortunately, they no longer met the criteria for metabolic syndrome.

The experience has been similarly positive in the treatment of respiratory distress syndrome, a common condition in premature infants. Indeed, a comparative study has shown that, although confirmation of the results is needed, inositol supplementation results in a statistically significant and clinically meaningful reduction in important short-term adverse neonatal outcomes (i.e., despite underdeveloped lungs due to preterm birth, babies have increased survival rates.)

MYO D-CHIRO INOSITOL natural inositol complex is therefore for you if you are not having a baby, if you have PCOS or insulin resistance or pre-diabetes, if you have been diagnosed with any psychiatric condition, or if you want to improve the efficiency of your metabolic processes. Give it a try and live happily ever after!

Important note: The information and claims on this site are for general information purposes only regarding the ingredients of our products. USA Medical products are not considered to be medicines and the information is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment. The claims made are not specific to the product, but summarize knowledge from scientific and literature sources. The information should not be construed as personalised health advice or as advice on the treatment of specific symptoms. For any health problems, please consult a specialist or pharmacist.

HASZNÁLAT (1 adag = 2 kapszula)

Napi 2 kapszula bevétele javasolt. A legjobb eredmény elérése érdekében ajánlott a kapszulákat étkezések előtt 20-30 perccel egy pohár vízzel bevenni, vagy az orvos utasításai szerint.


Száraz, hűvös helyen, gyermekek elől elzárva tárolandó.


Az ajánlott fogyasztási mennyiséget ne lépd túl. Az étrend-kiegészítő nem helyettesíti a kiegyensúlyozott vegyes étrendet és az egészséges életmódot. Használat előtt konzultálj orvosoddal, ha terhes vagy vagy szoptatsz, ha súlyos betegséged van, vagy vényköteles gyógyszereket használsz. Azonnal hagyd abba az étrend-kiegészítő fogyasztását, amennyiben nem kívánt tünetet tapasztalsz. Gyerekektől gondosan elzárva tartandó!

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